Jan 15, 2008

Welcome home, suckers!!!!

Hi all you newcomings!!! I saw the campus groups leading around. It was cute.

How's everyone doing?

As most can tell, I arrived safely on the rock without difficulty (other than getting my luggage lost again) and then have been lounging into home.

Went to lecture and realized that third term may not be so bad for me, and is a lot of stuff I've covered before. Cool. Walked home and discovered that I'm apparently "bootiful!" by three guys, though sweaty, my again spotless apartment. Awwww....

Then chat seassions turned to wine and pizza sections on Lori's balcony with Sheryl and Lisa, talking about all our experiences, and it was just a pleasant envening with all going well.

And my eyelids are going closed.

Bye bye America!


Anonymous said...

Here you go. Icelandic dot on your blog

Anonymous said...

As most can tell, I arrived safely on the rock without difficulty

and just as long as Nicholas Cage doesn't show up as part of a special forces team, I'm sure things will go 'bootifully' for you. (Heh heh, couldn't resist)

I like the optimisitic 'I think I can..' addition to your blog title.

Go Ishie!

- Patrick

Ishie said...

Thank you both and Hallo Iceland!!!!