Jan 18, 2008

Grrrr American Airlines!

They officially now have NO IDEA where my baggage is. Not sure if it's in Trinidad; not sure if it's in Grenada. No clue. So it's been transferred to "Central Baggage", where all their "unclaimed bags" (it's frigging claimed!) go, and as he explained, usually because the bags don't have any information on them.

My bag has a luggage tag with my name and location, not to mention "GRENADA" and "SGU" written all over the fabric of the bag in Sharpie marker. It contents include a giant animatronic robot parrot and a pathology book. Losing this bag is like losing Bozo the clown at a board meeting.

They also seem to be confused as to whether this bag has actually arrived at my apartment yet, since they did put it on a Liat flight, or at least they thought they did, as of the 15th. They don't know Liat very well. So it's lost. And probably lost without an AA luggage tag, since if they did put it with Liat, Liat probably removed the tag, stuck on their own, and then threw it in the ocean.

So no extra sheets, no parrot, no frigging TEXTBOOKS, no nothing. Thanks American Airlines. You've yet again done a stellar job.

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