Jul 8, 2009

You know you're out of shape

when you're huffing and puffing while jogging along in the park and you glance over at your (much fitter) roommate and realize he's walking along side you. Time to step up the yoga classes!

Case conferences today topped off by a rousing game of resident jeopardy (med students had the job of sitting there going "Holy crap; am I supposed to KNOW that in two years??), so not a lot to report.

In other news, a lot of people can attest to the fact that I'm not a giant stickler for being clean; I'm not that worried what's in my food and will pretty much try anything no matter what rat-infested street cart it came off and I've been caught sniffing shirts to see if they have another day's wear in them, but that being said, doing real medicine is giving me a serious case of OCD. Yesterday, we had a patient that was... uhh... oozing out of several orifices, one of which she wasn't born with, and stuff was going everywhere. At the time, I was thinking "Wow, this is intense" and also that doing stuff like running to get bedpans and helping do damage control on cleaning up a mess of substances that is too revolting to detail on this blog would help endear me to the nurses, so no big deal; had gloves on, didn't get stuff on my clothes, and did the normal hand wash/hand sanitizer afterward. Got home and started to make dinner... ten minutes later, I'm still scrubbing my hands in the bathroom "Unclean!! Unclean!!!" Go back to the kitchen... nah, probably not clean enough to touch my food. Granted, on a dare, I once ate an ant off a floor, but still don't want to touch my food.

Also, I'm already extremely appreciative of chill patients. When I was giving the tetanus shot and being instructed on technique by the other third year medical student, the patient is saying "Now don't you worry honey. I have had medical students practicing me all the time when I had the surgery, so don't you worry none about hurting me. Yup, you're doing great... heh heh, listen to me telling the medical student what to do." Thank you, incredibly chill patient. One of my friends when she was working prior to medical school had her first blood draw patient tell her something to the effect of "if you screw up, I'm going to sue you", so I know how lucky I am.

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