Jul 16, 2009

Conference? Nah, let's go to the beach

So because I'm incredibly lucky, yesterday, instead of having to show up for case conferences starting early (which sucks after a 3-11 shift), the residents had a beach BBQ at Jones Beach for the interns, and the medical students were invited. There was a great deal of humming and hawing on our parts since we weren't sure if it was a true invite or a "Oh... um, yeah, if you want to come, that'd be fine or something", but the Resident In Charge Tuesday night was like "You should go. You should totally go", etc, so we went.

I had gone to Jones Beach on the previous Saturday, but really wanted to even out my sunburn since my last trip left me white in the front and red on the back, so I looked like a playing card. Mission accomplished. Now I have a pretty even burn down the front, so no places on my body will have a melanoma advantage over others. I like to be fair.

So that was fun. Doctors aren't as scary when they're in their bathing suits playing volleyball.

But the rest... hmm... still have managed to avoid sticking my fingers up anyone's butt, but have had to do a pelvic and watch two of them. The joys of being female. I've given a couple of shots now, screwed up a couple of IVs and blood draws (I used to be able to do them; what happened??), patched up some superficial wounds on a fall victim, and helped splint a leg. I've also helped dissect a pizza that was brought into one of the patient cubicles and screened off, so when I was told to come up, I thought I was being called on to help with a procedure, but turns out I just got first crack at the dinner special. Niiiiiice.

So I'm having fun, feeling more comfortable, and so on.

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