Jun 14, 2022

So long and thanks for all the fish...

 But wait, there's more!

For those who have followed me all these years, I thank you so much for journeying with me through my missteps and foibles.  I hope you've gotten something from it, and I hope I helped some students going through their own medical school journeys.

But HIPAA prevents me from discussing my workday, and I haven't been back to Grenada in years, though I plan to go back and take my current boyfriend for him to see what it was like and for me to see what's changed.

It's not all goodbye though, I've started up a new blog, as I mentioned in my last post as my interests have pulled towards cooking and travel of late, so if you wish to follow my misadventures, feel free to do so here.

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen goodnight.

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