Jan 29, 2022


Well, I haven't heard much more, other than that my network has its own police department and they're on it.  Any contact, and arrests will be made, so that's good.

My lab director and I don't get on, but she made good and the entire PD is waiting for any hint.  Not sure if she's scared for herself, me, or just hates stalking in general (she's attractive and from a country where that was probably obnoxious for her as a young'un) but hey, people aren't necessarily all bad.

Friday sucked in its own way.  I am aggressively not a morning person (I consider this still night and just woke up in the middle of it).  My favorite surgeon (and he is; we tend to swap diving stories), but he LOVES early morning procedures so I got two on Friday and now one on Monday.

So Friday was essentially a solid 12 hour day and I was addled from being up so early so just was trying to save enough brainpower to keep going through a day, that had I gotten a week ago, I wouldn't have been bored into picking up a stalker.

In a sense, it's a good thing, though not one I love after getting up at 6 am, since I get the big caseload, which means experience, AND potential bonuses.

But I was near delirium last night after how much work I'd done.  And then I get to do it again on Monday.

Sigh.  This is one of the reasons I'm not a surgeon.  Also I have flat feet, hate danskos (they're heavy and uncomfortable), so while I can walk or swim forever, I cannot just stand.  I'd have been terrible in the military.  (Stop shifting on your feet or you'll do pushups  I'd rather do pushups!!!)  But those early mornings.  Ick.

It's weird.  I'm considered to have a pretty plushy job, yet I look at grocery store clerks with absolute respect because in the US, they aren't allowed to sit down, and I couldn't do their jobs.  I can do my job, but stand for 8-10 hours as a clerk?  Nope.

I can walk or swim for pretty much forever.  I can stand still for about 20 minutes before those arches start on me.  My only comfort are Brooks.  When I lived in BK I discovered Jackrabbit sports and they filmed me running on a treadmill, and finally arrived at Brooks shoes, which, naturally, are like 150 bucks.  My boyfriend laughs that my highly expensive shoe collection is less "I'm a woman" and more "this is the only way I can be comfortable".  They're also why my doctor thinks I'm two inches taller than I actually am.  That's how much padding I need.

I'm running again and with the above, that means my middle toenails are blackening and about to be absent, but on Wednesday, we went for absolute decadence, so pedicure (I play guitar AND have psoriasis which manifests as severe dandruff and laminate nails, so no manicures), tanning, and pho.  It was a desperately needed good day.

What else?

Hmm... COVID is an issue, but work around it.  Get your freaking colonoscopies, even if you have to wait a year.  I hate seeing stage four tumors that would have been clipped off as adenomas ten years ago.

Just don't smoke.  If you vape, there's early indications of lung damage, but smoking the old fashioned way reliably causes lung, renal, and bladder carcinomas, with the additional potential for the killer of my family, emphysema.

I've been watching 9/11 videos.  I don't know why.  But all I can think when I see those poor people covered in ash is "pull your shirt off and wrap it around your face!!!!"  But that's far too late to say now.

So nothing of much import.  I'm obsessed with Candide (in English) because it's the driest wit I've experienced since Jonathon Swift.  I've also learned it's the source of "the best of all possible worlds".

Still learning Spanish, so not trying Voltaire in French, which is like Spanish if you trailed off each word without finishing it.

So not much to report.  Gonna watch Cyrano tonight probably (since Peter Dinklage is the GOAT), but not a lot else.

There are three omicron variants.  I'm on team "let this replace delta because it's so much less deadly" but who knows?  I have big travel plans for the year but I regularly F off someplace warm in February (last time was the DR), and COVID has destroyed that so I'm left cranky in the frozen north with no Mexico in sight.  Sigh.

I know, first world problems.

So I tan instead, because every doctor needs a bad habit, but MAN does UV light feel good when you don't see it in the morning or evening.  Like, I'll take the small risk of melanoma, but I'm less pale and and less miserable in the winter.

As a former goth kid, I was always like "Yeah, remove the sun".  In the Carolinas.  Then I moved north and was like "winters are the f'ing worst and I never want to deal with them again."

When I first moved out of CA, I was like "Oh, we had winters.  In SF, even summers could be winter", which is both true but also, even in July sticks to like 40 degrees.  So that sucks right?

No, what sucks is walking your rottie and having your hair freeze to your head like you're in Titanic.  Which is reality at present.

But stay safe, ya'll.  And if you're stalked, have an entire police department at your back.

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